Deep Clean Bathroom Cabinets

Day 23 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean Bathroom Cabinets

This is Day 23 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge” and it’s time to continue cleaning your second bathroom. It’s also your last day of bathroom cleaning. yaayyy! And, since you have already completed these tasks in your main bathroom, you know what you are up against. So, use that to … Read more

Deep Clean Kitchen Cabinets

Day 22 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean Kitchen Cabinets

This post is a part of the 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge. (Read about it here if you missed my announcement earlier) Follow along on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter along with the hashtag #30DayHCC CLICK HERE TO VIEW ALL 30 DAYS OF THE CHALLENGE ******* It’s Day 22 of the “30 … Read more

Repairs, Mending & House Survey

Day 21 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Repairs, Mending & House Survey

You are going to love Day 21 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”!! Today’s tasks are not really cleaning tasks, but they need to be done. I have to confess; I am not perfect! (yes, yes. I am human! surprise) and I do miss out on some things during the entire house cleaning … Read more

Deep Clean The Clothes Cupboard

Day 18 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Clothes Cupboard

It’s Day 18 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge” and today you will be cleaning out your clothes cupboard or closet space. Do you know that feeling when you go to your clothes cupboard and are just overwhelmed by the mess in there? Clothes that you haven’t worn in ages, … Read more

Deep Clean Bathrooms

Day 16 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean Bathrooms

Today is Day 16 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge” and I know what you are thinking, didn’t I already clean my bathrooms?! You are correct. But, most houses have at least two bathrooms and today you will move onto the second bathroom in your house. If you have just one bathroom, … Read more

Deep Clean Bedroom furniture

Day 11 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean Bedroom Furniture

It’s Day 11 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge” and you will be working in the bedroom today. After last week’s deep cleaning, your bedroom is mostly clean. But the furniture, surfaces, closets etc still need to be deep cleaned and that’s what we will start tackling today. … Read more

Deep Clean Living room furniture

Day 10 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean Living Room Furniture

Can you believe it? It’s already day 10 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”!! Doesn’t it feel great? Can you feel the difference already? Imagine how awesome you will feel once you complete all 30 days! Let’s do this… !! Day 10: Deep Clean the Living Room Furniture Today … Read more

30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Extra Room

Day 6 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Extra Room

Are you ready for day 6 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”? By now your house is probably looking neat, tidy and presentable, thanks to your daily and weekly cleaning routines. Doesn’t it feel awesome being in control of the clutter? In addition, you have even deep cleaned several … Read more

30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Kidsroom

Day 5 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Kidsroom

You are on Day 5 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge” and from the many wonderful emails I’ve received, I know that you’re really happy with the progress you’ve been making. You guys are taking action and you are seeing results – That really makes me so happy! And those of … Read more