Deep Clean The Kids Closet

Day 19 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Kids Closet

You are on Day 19 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”. How has it been so far? I really enjoy hearing from you guys. Reading all your successes really makes me so happy! It feels great, doesn’t it? A clean kitchen, where you can cook some fantastic meals, clean … Read more

Deep Clean The Clothes Cupboard

Day 18 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Clothes Cupboard

It’s Day 18 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge” and today you will be cleaning out your clothes cupboard or closet space. Do you know that feeling when you go to your clothes cupboard and are just overwhelmed by the mess in there? Clothes that you haven’t worn in ages, … Read more

Deep Clean Living room storage units

Day 17 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean Living Room Storage Units

You are on day 17 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”and I am so thrilled for you. By now, your house is practically clean. All that is left for you to do it to deep clean and organize the storage units in every room and you are done!! And you will get … Read more

Deep Clean Bathrooms

Day 16 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean Bathrooms

Today is Day 16 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge” and I know what you are thinking, didn’t I already clean my bathrooms?! You are correct. But, most houses have at least two bathrooms and today you will move onto the second bathroom in your house. If you have just one bathroom, … Read more

Deep Clean Kitchen Shelves & Racks

Day 15 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean Kitchen Shelves & Racks

It is Day 15 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”! You are halfway through!! That’s fantastic! Before you start with today’s task, I want you to do something very important. I want you to look back at all that you have achieved in the last 15 days. … Read more

Deep Clean Balcony furniture

Day 14 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean Balcony Furniture

Day 14 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”! Two weeks down, just one more to go! Wohooo! Yes, yes! Today is the day when you will receive your weekly badge. So, once you complete the day’s tasks, be sure to post in the facebook support group so that we can … Read more

Deep Clean Extra room furniture

Day 13 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Extra Room furniture

Lucky for some, unlucky for most – the number 13! – Which category do you belong to?! Well, it doesn’t really matter. Today is Day 13 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge” and you have made it this far because you took action! You are an action taker and … Read more

Deep Clean Kidsroom furniture

Day 12 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Kidsroom furniture

Wohoo! It’s Day 12 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”. You have been working really hard to get your house all cleaned up and I am really sooo proud of you for having made it so far! I am sure you are already noticing the difference it has … Read more

Deep Clean Bedroom furniture

Day 11 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean Bedroom Furniture

It’s Day 11 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge” and you will be working in the bedroom today. After last week’s deep cleaning, your bedroom is mostly clean. But the furniture, surfaces, closets etc still need to be deep cleaned and that’s what we will start tackling today. … Read more

Deep Clean Living room furniture

Day 10 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean Living Room Furniture

Can you believe it? It’s already day 10 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”!! Doesn’t it feel great? Can you feel the difference already? Imagine how awesome you will feel once you complete all 30 days! Let’s do this… !! Day 10: Deep Clean the Living Room Furniture Today … Read more

Deep Clean the Bathroom Cabinets

Day 9 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean Bathroom Cabinets

Today is Day 9 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge” and you are going to be cleaning your bathroom cabinets and any other bath furniture. If you have more than one, you can choose to do one or more bathrooms depending on the amount of furniture you have in your bathrooms.  … Read more

Deep Clean the Fridge and Microwave

Day 8 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Fridge and Microwave

It’s Day 8 of the challenge and we’ve completed a week of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”! I hope you celebrated that win! Over the last week we started deep cleaning each room of the house, one day at a time, focusing on the walls, ceilings, floors, doors, … Read more

30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Balcony

Day 7 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Balcony

It’s already day 7 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”! Can you believe it? I am so thrilled that you have made it this far! At the end of today’s challenge, be sure to post in the facebook support group so that we can send out your badge … Read more

30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Extra Room

Day 6 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Extra Room

Are you ready for day 6 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”? By now your house is probably looking neat, tidy and presentable, thanks to your daily and weekly cleaning routines. Doesn’t it feel awesome being in control of the clutter? In addition, you have even deep cleaned several … Read more

30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Kidsroom

Day 5 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Kidsroom

You are on Day 5 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge” and from the many wonderful emails I’ve received, I know that you’re really happy with the progress you’ve been making. You guys are taking action and you are seeing results – That really makes me so happy! And those of … Read more

30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Bedroom

Day 4 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Bedroom

It’s Day 4 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge” and you should be super proud of yourself for all that you have done so far. Stay motivated and keep going. You’ve got this! Today we are going to clean the most important room in your house – your … Read more

30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Living Room & Entrance

Day 3 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean The Living Room & Entrance

Are you ready for Day 3 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”? So far we’ve deep cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom. Doesn’t it feel wonderful? All this hard work is going to pay huge dividends. You’ll see! Now, let’s move on to today’s task. Day 3: … Read more

30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean the Bathroom

Day 2 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean the Bathroom

Today is Day 2 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge” and I hope you are feeling excited and motivated after your first day of cleaning, yesterday. 🙂 I know, I know! It was tough. But, it really will get better. I promise! Today, we move on to the … Read more

30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean the Kitchen

Day 1 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean the Kitchen

Welcome to Day 1 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”. Over the next 30 days, you’ll be systematically cleaning, de-cluttering and organizing your house. If you’ve followed my instructions on how to prepare for the challenge, you already have a daily and weekly cleaning routine in place. This is … Read more

The 30 Day Cleaning Challenge – Timeline

A couple of days ago, I finally revealed that I would be launching The 30 Day Cleaning Challenge, this May. Let me tell you more about the challenge today … For busy, overwhelmed homemakers who want a clean and happy home, 30 Days To A Clean House provides a foolproof … Read more