INFOGRAPHIC: 5 Goan Superfoods you’ll love


  1. Kimberly Ds says:

    hmmm… kokum powder! That's thought… now you've got me into "think"mode! Its available in plenty out here in India. Maybe some India store out there might have it in some form. We generally use pieces of the dried fruit in our cooking and or prepare kokum syrup and enjoy it through the hot summers.

  2. Sarah Jackson says:

    Love this! Thanks Kimberley! I've never heard of Kokum. Will be looking this up and seeing where I can find some in future. Would be interesting to find it as a powder to add to drinks.

  3. Kimberly Ds says:

    Thanks Ritu for your kind words and for always being so supportive 🙂

  4. Kimberly Ds says:

    I did Corinne! Thanks to the 30 day blogging challenge, I have fallen in love with Infographics! 😛
    Amaranth, is so abundant here we get fed up of eating it! The one and only way I have eaten it is cooked plain with some onion, tomato, and a bit of grated coconut. I could send you a proper recipe if you like. Just let me know. Hmmm…. maybe I could do a post on that!! 😉

  5. Kimberly Ds says:

    Glad you found it so Padma. Thanks for the appreciation 🙂

  6. Kimberly Ds says:

    Thanks Sandy 🙂

  7. Corinne Rodrigues says:

    Did you make this infographic, Kimberly? It's super cool and you're so right about these five! Unfortunately I discovered amaranth rather recently. But it's lovely. Wondering if there are any Goan recipes for it. I've tried an Andhra recipe and it was quite good.

  8. Ritu Ahuja says:

    Very helpful and super informative post dear. Thanks for sharing a wonderful post with us. 🙂

  9. padma veeranki says:

    Very informative post dear…Much needed one:)

  10. Kimberly Ds says:

    No? We have so much of it!! Its a wonderful fruit – bright red in colour and very sour to taste. We use it a lot in our food and also prepare a rather refreshing (and healthy) drink from it!
    It belongs to the mangosteen family think. Its also known as Garcinia indica.

  11. Jessie says:

    Infographics are great! This is a really nice one – I've never heard of kokum!

  12. Sandys Jar says:

    That was great information. Thank you for posting.

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