INFOGRAPHIC: Nappies versus Diapers

An Infographic comparing cloth nappies with disposable diapers


  1. Kimberly Ds says:

    I totally agree Susan. Besides, its comfortable for the baby too! I agree nappies are more work and a bit messy but that's a part of babyhood, right?! 😉
    Thanks for stopping by

  2. Susan says:

    Nice infographic Kimberly. I always used cloth nappies and mostly only had absorbency problems with the all in one style. When I used terry towelling with separate waterproofs it was fine. Some people like to use the argument that the environmental impact is the same because of the laundering, but this is nonsense. It's not just landfill, it's the raw materials, manufacturing, transport and packaging you have to take into account when comparing. Cloth nappies are so much nicer for the babies too.

  3. Ritu Ahuja says:

    Great post 🙂

  4. Kimberly Ds says:

    True Sarah. However, out here, our options are a bit limited and the cost factor becomes a bigger consideration if we decide to use imported stuff. So, what works for me is to use diapers at night or during outings and nappies work fine for the days. Thanks for stopping by and commenting 🙂

  5. Sarah Jackson says:

    Interesting one Kimberly!

    I'm on a mission to buy everything chemical free in future. It's a long process as it's impossible to source the perfect products immediately for EVERYTHING! Also very expensive. For that reason, I'm researching, taking time and replacing as things run out.

    On that subject, I think there must be a way to enjoy the benefits of diapers without chemicals. There are lots of green companies out there now who product baby products that are safer. I don't have babies, so can't give you a name right now. I'm pretty sure that if you look far enough, you would find one though. 🙂

  6. Sherry Bevan says:

    Good pros and cons.

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