Merry Mondays – Open PartyTheme

Banish those Monday Morning Blues…Join our Merry Mondays Linky Party.
LINK COLLECTION STARTS at 05/04/2015 12:00 AM & ENDS at: 10/4/2015 12:00 PM
(Indian Standard Time)

Thank you Robyn, Sarah and Jessica for sharing your lovely posts with us at last week’s linky party. They were all fabulous and a humble thank you for going through the trouble to specially put something up for the party! I truly appreciate it.
The featured post for this week’s party is Robyn’s Foodie for a Minute

Robyn is not typically a food blogger, but she has come up with a recipe she loves and recommends – Trisha Yearwood’s Strawberry Salad with Red Wine Vinegrette – specially for our Merry Mondays Linkup!! Do check it out. I am sure you guys will love it too.

Thanks and Congratulations Robyn !! Here is the badge for you to display at your site. You can grab the button below.

(Note: The button is set to a width of 250 and height of 200. You can adjust the size to suit your need)

With all that out of the way, let’s get to this week’s party!!

With a slightly heavy heart, I have to announce that this will be my last linky party. Hosting Merry Mondays, although fun, has been a lot of work and has produced a lukewarm response. I have no complains though – its been fun and I’ve made some great friends in the process 🙂

A heartfelt THANK YOU to all those who have supported me in my endeavor till now and also a meek SORRY for the abrupt end to these parties.

So for this week, I have decided to let this be an open party. You can all share whatever you like and as many links as you like, keeping in mind only two things:

  1. The links posted should be relevant to homemakers – anything that fits within the scope of this blog.
  2. This is a family blog, so please ensure that all links and comments are family friendly.

I am slackening out on this too. This one is without any rules!! But, for those of you who are willing to place a party button at their site, here is the button code for you.

(Note: The button is set to a width of 250 and height of 200. You can adjust the size to suit your need)
Well, that’s it from me. Please join in the fun and share your links. This will be the last of our Merry Mondays together.
By sharing your links here you agree to receive weekly email reminders for subsequent parties (You can unsubscribe whenever you like). Also, you agree to let us use the linked up image to be used in next week’s features, if your post gets featured.


  1. Kimberly Ds says:

    They indeed are Jessie!! I actually came across a post recently and that made me re-think the whole linky party thing. It said participating in already existing linkups made more sense than hosting your own. And I guess it makes sense – there are so many of them already!! But, hosting my own has helped me understand and appreciate how they work and how important it is to actually interact at these parties. So, yes it was fun while it lasted – maybe sometime later when my blog gets famous!! 😛 Thanks for the support and for joining in though. I really really appreciate it. 🙂

  2. Jessie says:

    Linky parties are tough. I thought I would do one once a month, but I realize that I'll probably end up with even less participation, because no one will be expecting it. But I just am not ready to do once a week. So good for you for trying it out!! Maybe you'll be able to try it out again in the future.

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