Your Cooking Questions Answered by Professional Chefs – via Live Video Chat!

Have you ever tried to replicate a dish from Television shows or a magazine or even the internet and ended up with something that looks and tastes nothing like you had expected?

All that hard work, and in some instances the entire dish itself, down the drain!

Yes! It feels horrible… It’s happened to me too and it sucks!

That’s why I was excited when I was approached by TalkToChef.

What is TalkToChef?

TalkToChef is an online and mobile platform where you can get answers to your everyday cooking questions from a culinary professional, in real-time. You are provided with instant culinary support without leaving your kitchen.

The TalkToChef mantra is “never screw up your dish again.”

In just a few clicks you get connected to a professional chef, who will give you advice on a variety of cooking matters.
TalkToChef is here to solve all your cooking questions, including what to cook for dinner tonight, how to make a meal healthier, and how to fix a meal gone wrong.

Fabulous! Right?

TalkToChef aims to help you improve your cooking experience by encouraging you to be creative and not fear failure. TalkToChef makes cooking easy and joyful, and helps you to experiment with new cuisines, cooking methods and diets.

Their expert chefs are always standing by with advice and support…So, go ahead – TalkToChef.

NOTE: I am a TalkToChef Affiliate, which means that when you use the TalkToChef widget on my website, they pay me a small percentage of any voluntary donation you might make to them.

How does it work?

Step 1

Click on the red colour TalkToChef button on the left hand side of my website.

Step 2

Select a cuisine, cooking method, and diet.

Step 3

Instantly connect with a culinary professional, and get your question answered.

Step 4

Rate the chef, based on your experience, and make a voluntary donation.

For more details, visit TalkToChef.

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