Day 22 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Deep Clean Kitchen Cabinets

Deep Clean Kitchen Cabinets

House Cleaning
This post is a part of the 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge.
(Read about it here if you missed my announcement earlier)
Follow along on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter along with the hashtag #30DayHCC

It’s Day 22 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge” and you are doing just great.

By now, most of your house is all cleaned up. All that’s left to be cleaned is the closed areas like cabinets, cupboards and other storage areas. If you have the time, you can even do some organization while you clean!

Are you ready to get rid of the skeletons from your cupboards and cabinets? And by skeletons I mean dust, dirt and grime!

Well then, let’s get going…

Day 22: Deep Clean Kitchen Cabinets

Deep Clean Kitchen CabinetsKitchen cabinets are an important part of your kitchen. They serve as useful storage areas for food items, crockery, cutlery, glassware, utensils, and other kitchen tools and accessories. Kitchen cabinets are essential to help keep your kitchen, and especially the counter, clutter free.

Kitchen Cabinets also add to the basic look and feel of the kitchen. Often, they are the first thing that guests will see when they enter your kitchen. And today, you are going to clean out all your kitchen cabinets. You could even do some organization, if you have some extra time.

Important Note:

Keep in mind that the time it takes you to complete the tasks, and the order in which you do them, depends entirely on you. It depends on your skill, your working style, the time that you can afford to put in each day, the size of your rooms and your cleanliness standards.
So, whatever you do, don’t get overwhelmed and work at your own pace. It doesn’t matter if you take a bit longer to complete the challenge.
Do whatever works for you – skip certain tasks, add others. But, just clean something!
Also be sure to check the notes at the end, for some useful tips to help you stay on track and save time cleaning.

Today’s Cleaning Plan

Daily Cleaning Tasks: Continue with these daily tasks. Use a checklist to stay on track!

Weekly Cleaning Tasks: Surface clean the Kitchen and spend some extra time deep cleaning the cabinets

Monthly Deep Cleaning tasks

  • Deep Clean kitchen Cabinets: Remove all the contents of the cabinet. Throw away any items that are old and useless, or broken, or that have not been used in a long time.
    Thoroughly wipe down the inside of the cabinet after spraying with some cleanser. You could even use plain mildly soapy water. Line the shelves, if necessary.
    Wipe the items and arrange them back inside. If any items need washing, wash and dry them before putting them back inside. Organize your space if possible.

    1) Don’t empty all cabinets at one go. Start with one and when done move on to the other.
    2) Start from the top and move to the bottom cabinets.
    3) Move in a systematic manner so you don’t miss out on any cabinets. (or follow my mapping system – future post)

Deep Clean Kitchen cabinets

Download your Day 22 Checklist here

Tips to remember during the 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge

  1. Before you begin, gather all the necessary tools and keep them ready. You could get yourself a cleaning caddy or just use a basket or box.
  2. Decide on a specific amount of time that you can/will spend cleaning and set a timer. Work as quickly as you can within this time and don’t get distracted. (Except if it’s an emergency of some kind!)
  3. Start cleaning from the top of the room and work your way down. This will prevent dust falling on surfaces that you have already cleaned.
  4. Work from one side of the room to the other side, in a systematic matter, so that you don’t miss any spots.
  5. When the timer goes off, stop working! You can catch up with what you have missed during your next cleaning session.
  6. Use checklists to track your progress and to ensure that you don’t miss out anything. Checklists are especially useful in instances where you cannot complete a task and need to reschedule it.
  • As you complete each Day’s project, don’t forget to share your success, experiences, before and after pictures, etc. to Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter along with the hashtag #30DayHCC
  • If you are blogging through the challenge, you can share your links in the comments below (CommentLuv enabled) or in the House Cleaning Support Group on Facebook.
  • If you are on Pinterest, join our 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge, Group Board and pin your challenge related photos there. We’d love to see and share your success.

If you’ve accidentally stumbled upon this page but haven’t yet signed up for my 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge, I invite you to sign up below get the daily emails for FREE and be a part of the fun.

(In addition to challenge details, the emails contain useful cleaning hacks, motivational quotes and other fun stuff that aren’t in the posts)


  1. TheMasterCleanGroup says:

    I found a bread bag in my cabinet, the contents had turned to dust. Probably a heal of bread, maybe a slice of bread as well. While it wasn’t messy, it was really gross knowing that had been in there long enough to turn to dust. I cleaned and rotated my cabinets regularly. Now I only use my pantry for food.

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