It feels great, doesn’t it? A clean kitchen, where you can cook some fantastic meals, clean floors for the kids to play, and just a feeling of accomplishment 🙂 And it’s all because of you – because you take action.
You know something? Many people want a lot out of life, but they never really get there – because they do not take any action. But you are different, you are an action taker. And action takers rule the world!
So keep going and don’t you quit!
Day 19: Deep Clean the Kids Closet
Okay, let me warn you. If your child’s closet is currently a big mess, today’s task is going to take an extra amount of effort. But don’t worry. You really can do this. If you feel like it’s too much for you to deal with in one day, just split it up into sections and deal with them one at a time. Do as much as you can today and continue where you left off on another day.
If you’re kids are older, get them to do it with you so you can teach them how – if they don’t already know how! In case of really small kids, keep them away! They will probably get in the way and you won’t get very far!
In addition to the clothes cupboard, you will also be cleaning the toy storage unit. But if it’s too much, you can do this the next week.
Important Note:
So, whatever you do, don’t get overwhelmed and work at your own pace. It doesn’t matter if you take a bit longer to complete the challenge.
Do whatever works for you – skip certain tasks, add others. But, just clean something!
Today’s Cleaning Plan
Daily Cleaning Tasks: These tasks have definitely turned into a habit by now. But, do continue to use a checklist to make sure!!
Weekly Cleaning Tasks: Surface clean the Kidsroom and spend a little extra time in there, deep cleaning the furniture.
Monthly Deep Cleaning tasks
- Deep Clean the clothes cupboard: Remove all the contents of the cupboard and place them on a clean surface bed. Then thoroughly clean the cupboard/closet on the inside. Vacuum or dust if necessary.Sort all clothing into the following piles – keep, store, donate/sell, mend. Fold the clothes that are to be donated or sold and put them in labelled boxes or bags. Keep aside all items that need mending, and attend to them on another day. Store any off season clothes, in a box or container.
Finally put back all items into your cupboard/closet. Now is a good time to organize if you have the time. Wherever possible, hang up clothes on hangers and arrange them according to type, colours, occasion etc. according to what suits you best.
- Deep Clean the toy storage: Deep clean kids toys storage units depending on what kind of system you have for storing your kids toys – storage cubes, containers, shelves, racks, cupboardsRemove all the contents of the unit and clean it thoroughly inside and outside. Dust, wipe and clean all the toys as appropriate. Keep aside soft toys and clean them separately later. (Put them back in place once clean and dry)Decide what toys can be sold or given away and put them into separate boxes/containers and label them accordingly.
Finally return the toys back in place, organizing as you go.
Download your Day 19 Checklist here
Tips to remember during the 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge
- Before you begin, gather all the necessary tools and keep them ready. You could get yourself a cleaning caddy or just use a basket or box.
- Decide on a specific amount of time that you can/will spend cleaning and set a timer. Work as quickly as you can within this time and don’t get distracted. (Except if it’s an emergency of some kind!)
- Start cleaning from the top of the room and work your way down. This will prevent dust falling on surfaces that you have already cleaned.
- Work from one side of the room to the other side, in a systematic matter, so that you don’t miss any spots.
- When the timer goes off, stop working! You can catch up with what you have missed during your next cleaning session.
- Use checklists to track your progress and to ensure that you don’t miss out anything. Checklists are especially useful in instances where you cannot complete a task and need to reschedule it.