Day 21 – 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Repairs, Mending & House Survey

Repairs, Mending & House Survey

You are going to love Day 21 of the “30 Day House Cleaning Challenge”!! Today’s tasks are not really cleaning tasks, but they need to be done.

I have to confess; I am not perfect! (yes, yes. I am human! surprise) and I do miss out on some things during the entire house cleaning process. That’s where the house survey comes into picture.

Today’s day is all about assessing and fixing things. And yes, you will also receive your weekly badge today! Yaaayyy! So, don’t forget to stop by the facebook group once you are done with today’s task.

Now, let’s get to work people…

Day 21: Repairs, Mending & House Survey

Repairs, Mending & House SurveyRemember when you were cleaning out your closets and cupboards, I told you to keep aside any stuff that needs mending? Well, get that collection of items out and start attending to them today.

So also, anything that you discovered that needs fixing – leaking taps, bulbs that need replacing etc, and you haven’t got down to fixing yet, get it done today.

You could also use this day to catch up on any other challenge days.

Important Note:

Keep in mind that the time it takes you to complete the tasks, and the order in which you do them, depends entirely on you. It depends on your skill, your working style, the time that you can afford to put in each day, the size of your rooms and your cleanliness standards.
So, whatever you do, don’t get overwhelmed and work at your own pace. It doesn’t matter if you take a bit longer to complete the challenge.
Do whatever works for you – skip certain tasks, add others. But, just clean something!
Also be sure to check the notes at the end, for some useful tips to help you stay on track and save time cleaning.

Today’s Cleaning Plan

Daily Cleaning Tasks: Keep that daily routine going and use a checklist to stay on track!!

Weekly Cleaning Tasks: Surface clean the Balcony as part of your weekly routine while spending a little extra time deep cleaning it.

Monthly Deep Cleaning tasks

  • Repairs and Mending:
    Mend all clothing that you had set aside for mending while cleaning your closets. Once you are done, put them back where they belong. If they need to be washed, put them in the dirty clothes hamper/basket.
    Repair anything that needs to be repaired, according to the notes that you made while cleaning up in the last couple of weeks. If you need to hire a specialist, at least make the call today and set a date for them to come over and get it done.
  • House survey: Take some time today to walk around your house and audit the place.
    During this survey, be critical and observe for any changes that you might need and make them. Identify anything that you might have previously missed out on. Check for things that you could do to make life better. For example, get a hamper for the dirty clothes instead of simply piling them up, replace any bulbs that are not working, or maybe the entryway could use a bigger shoe rack to accommodate the fast multiplying shoes? You get the idea. Make a note of the little things that bother you and start fixing them one by one. And don’t forget to check them off the list as you go.
    The inspiration for the house survey came from this post – How a house walk can change your life , by Rachel at A Mother Far From Home. At her blog, Rachel helps her followers develop mindsets, routines and habits that take the chaos out of parenting. Do check her out if that’s something you’d like help with.
  • Wash bed linen: Wash the linen that you took off from all the beds all through last week. Deal with whatever you can and leave the remainder for another day. Once they are all washed and dry, fold them and put them away.

Repairs, Mending & House Survey

Download your Day 21 Checklist here

Tips to remember during the 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge

  1. Before you begin, gather all the necessary tools and keep them ready. You could get yourself a cleaning caddy or just use a basket or box.
  2. Decide on a specific amount of time that you can/will spend cleaning and set a timer. Work as quickly as you can within this time and don’t get distracted. (Except if it’s an emergency of some kind!)
  3. Start cleaning from the top of the room and work your way down. This will prevent dust falling on surfaces that you have already cleaned.
  4. Work from one side of the room to the other side, in a systematic matter, so that you don’t miss any spots.
  5. When the timer goes off, stop working! You can catch up with what you have missed during your next cleaning session.
  6. Use checklists to track your progress and to ensure that you don’t miss out anything. Checklists are especially useful in instances where you cannot complete a task and need to reschedule it.


  1. Seth Parent says:

    I completely loved this approach of daily, weekly and monthly cleaning and repair goals. This makes the entire process simpler and doable. There is less room for procrastination.

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