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I used to too! But not anymore.
Most of you will agree that housework is never ending. No matter how organized you are or how much you do, it never seems enough. The chore list just never ends!
Besides, we women have a tendency to set very high standards for ourselves. We expect to keep house, cook for the family and (in some cases) manage a full time job as well!
As a mother of young children, I know how hard it can be to keep up with the housework. It seems like as soon as you finish one task, another one pops up. And some days, the mess can feel overwhelming. Click here for tips to help you get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by mess.
Shortly after I got married, I left my job to be a SAHM. There was just so much to do and it was impossible to manage a full-time job and the house, without any household help! Soon, I was spending all day managing the house… until my little one came along! Then, my priorities changed and the house cleaning got neglected. Eventually, with a bit of brainstorming and some planning, I managed to get back in control.
Now, I just focus on the important stuff. I have a daily routine to help plan my days and a simple daily cleaning routine to take care of basic house cleaning tasks.
Managing house chores is a tough job! So, cut yourself some slack and don’t expect to be perfect at it all. Think about what’s important to you and your family and work accordingly.
Two important elements necessary for managing house chores effectively are, a good (and realistic) plan and a strong will power (to stick to the plan).
Below I am sharing some useful tips that have helped me effectively manage my house chores. I hope you will find them useful too.
20 highly actionable tips on managing house chores effectively:
- Prepare a good schedule that is clear, comprehensive and realistic. (You can even find some free downloadable schedulers online)
- Perform tough or boring tasks at a time when you are fresh and energized – probably in the morning.
- You can either prepare schedules monthly, weekly or daily depending on what suits you best.(I spend a few minutes each night chalking the next days plan of action)
- Decide the frequency of different tasks/chores that have to be performed while preparing your schedule.
- Delegate tasks/chores to family members or hired help (if you need it).
By Hardeep Singh, via Wikimedia Commons - Keep your schedule in a place such that you can refer to it easily throughout the day. Check each item as it gets done (This is important as it has a feel good factor to it!)
- Be realistic when you prepare your schedules. Make sure you allocate adequate time for each task. Don’t fill up your day with too many chores.
- If you find you can’t fit in everything, prioritize. Decide what really has to be done and how often. For example, can the curtains be washed monthly rather than fortnightly?
- Don’t be too rigid with the schedule. If you find you have some extra time on some days, complete some tasks in advance. Similarly, if you find that on some days you are running behind, try and compensate the next day or identify tasks which can be postponed to another less busy days.
By Parvathisri, via Wikimedia Commons - Don’t get disheartened and give up too easily – Its okay to slip up sometime. Get back up and move on.
- Go to sleep early and get up before the rest of the family. Getting up early and refreshed helps start the day on a good note.
- Use tools or equipment that make your chores easier/faster.
- Organize the house in a way that makes work easier. For example, keep frequently used articles in easily accessible places so you don’t have to bend or stretch or struggle to get them everyday.
- Avoid bending excessively or lifting heavy weights. Use appropriate tools if possible (like long handled mops or spin cycle mops)
- while bending or picking things up from the floor, do it the right way – bend with your knees, keep your back straight.
By Bjornwireen , via Wikimedia Commons - Control the amount of time you spend on the TV, internet and phone. (Major time wasters in my case! Where is that will power?!)
- Multitask in moderation. Some small tasks can be combined, but don’t overdo it.
- Plan/Prepare for the next day in advance. For example, ironing clothes or chopping vegetables for the next day.
- Make use of extra time wisely. For example, while the food is on the stove, you could begin cleaning up/setting the table already.
- Avoid procrastination.
Do you also have some tips to share on how you manage your house chores? Do share them in the comments so we could use them too. 🙂
Procrastination is the one that always gets me! Thanks for sharing at The Blogger’s Pit Stop! Roseann from http://www.thisautoimmunelife.com
Great tips!
That's so true. Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Great tips. It does seem like it's a never-ending job and sometimes that can be frustrating. Remembering why I'm doing this is very helpful for me.
Truly Savita and tougher still when you have little ones to take care of… as I am beginning to realize!! 🙂
scrolling thru your posts today, came to this one, I agree house work never ends – Savita