Let me guess:
- You are a mom/homemaker, with small kids and are struggling with an endless number of chores.
- You’ve always wanted your home to be a clean and tidy haven and you’ve finally decided to take action. {yaayy}
- You’ve read the best and the recommended books, you’ve read every house cleaning article on the internet {ok, almost every 😉} and you’ve followed their advice diligently.
- But now, you are feeling overwhelmed by all that you need to do.
Sounds right?
Then you are in the right place! 🙂
I know you want to have a clean and happy house and I know that you CAN have it.
I’ve been there.
Rewind several years ago when I had my first baby. My house was a mess and I was completely overwhelmed by all that needed to be done. I’d wake up every morning thinking about the clutter that awaited me — a sink full of dirty dishes, counters that hadn’t been wiped down, toys strewn all over the floor. I dreaded waking up in the mornings! And preparing breakfast was a pain!!
The worst part, however, was not being able to really enjoy time with my little angel. The mess was constantly getting me down. I was constantly stressed out and hardly in a mood to do anything.
And then, one day, I simply started cleaning up . I decided to do just a little bit every day. I just focused on what I could do for that day and didn’t worry about the rest. And in the process, I noticed something interesting. I began to feel more energetic than I had in a very long time. I was beginning to feel less stressed out and I could finally enjoy spending time with my toddler.
These changes were a real eye-opener and I soon realized that having a clean house was not all that difficult. I mastered a few key things and soon, everything was under control again.
House cleaning is not a chore anymore, it’s a habit. Now that I have a proper plan in place, it is not at all intimidating. Yes, there are still some days and even weeks when life happens and things go haywire. But, now I know exactly what I need to do to get back on track.
Want a clean and tidy house always?
Here’s what you need to do
- Clean a little bit every day.
- Have a proper cleaning plan in place — daily, weekly, monthly
- Develop good cleaning habits
- Stay Motivated and have an accountability partner
That’s exactly what “30 Days to a Clean House” is all about.

I created this 30 day course just to give you all the tools, guidance, encouragement, mindset shifts and resources you NEED, in order to have a clean and tidy house.
Trust me, there was a time when I wondered if I was ever going to achieve this. I was convinced my house was going to be a dump forever! But, I just didn’t know what I was doing… I was so lost!
That’s why, in this course I will help you to
- Get into a daily cleaning routine that suits you
- Clean your house, bit by bit, over a period of 30 days, without the usual stress and overwhelm.
- Put into practice cleaning habits to ensure that your house stays clean always
This course is pure gold! It’s normally priced at $97 (although it’s worth more!). Right now it’s available for JUST $57… But it’s only going to be available to a selected set of 10 people.