The Covid pandemic has affected everyone in some way or the other, whether they realized it or not. And although there’s been a lot of lessons to be learned from all that happened, the fact remains that it has had a negative outcome on a lot of people.
While almost all of us were forced to lock ourselves physically in our homes a lot many were locked up in their own mind surrounded by their own thoughts. People have been struggling and haven’t had the emotional connect that human beings crave. Not everyone had someone to talk to; someone to vent out their fears and frustrations to. Many people are experiencing an extreme sense of frustration, hopelessness and worthlessness.
But here’s the thing, just like all good things come to an end, so do bad things. And that’s the message I want to send out to everyone today – Hang on in there. It’s going to get better. This is not the end.
While browsing the net the other day, I came across a mental health awareness brand selling T-shirts with the quote “You Matter” and I couldn’t help thinking how true that is – YOU matter! Each and everyone of us matters. With all our imperfections and all our frustrations – we matter!
Ever so often we feel so insignificant – like our lives don’t matter or that we are unimportant and that we don’t really make a difference in this world. But that’s really not true. Sometimes we touch people’s lives without even realizing that we are.
And so today, as we end this crazy year 2020, I’d like to leave all of you all with this message – You matter! 🙂
Wish You all a Happy and Healthy 2021 …
♥ Kimberly.
Wonderful post!! Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
You too Debbie.
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