Day 16 of the 28 Days of Self Love Challenge
Today’s Challenge is to switch off your alarm and sleep in. Everyone needs their beauty sleep. A lack of sleep can be detrimental to health. Sleeping well has a lot of health benefits. It also helps increase productivity and improve mood.
Waking up early is beneficial only if it’s coupled with an early bedtime. If you don’t get a good night’s sleep, waking up early is not going to do you any good.
But irrespective of all that, today you get the permission to pamper yourself and get some extra zzzs!
Why? Because it feels good to just let things go sometimes. And because this is a self love challenge and you have the permission to pamper yourself 🙂
To be honest, I managed to sleep in for just half an hour extra. For some reason, I just couldn’t go back to sleep. But even that extra half an hour felt great enough. Maybe next time i’ll just reset my alarm the previous night!
Now over to you
Did you manage to sleep in?
Don’t forget to share today’s challenge experience on social media and inspire your friends to follow along too. Make sure to use the hashtag #MummepreneurSL so we can cheer you on.
Join Mummepreneur VIPs on Facebook where we can all share our progress and hold each other accountable
Find the Calendar for all 28 Days here
Action Tasks for today:
- Day 16 task – Switch off your alarm and sleep in
- Share your Day 16 experience at Mummepreneur VIPs on Facebook
- Get set for Day 17