Day 17 of the 28 Days of Self Love Challenge
Today’s Challenge is to catch up with an old friend or relative. We often get so caught up with our lives that we often lose touch with people we didn’t intend to – school friends, college friends, family that lives far away. Today pick one of these persons and reconnect.
I have this habit – I have a little book of birth dates of all the special people in my lives. It’s old and it’s ragged, but it’s the one thing that keeps me connected with my favourite people. Even if I don’t talk to them for days and months together, I connect with them on their birthday.
But just the other day I remembered a colleague that I haven’t spoken to in a while. I missed her birthday last year with all the craziness during the lockdown, and so I decided to connect with her today.
And I’m so glad I did. It felt so great to reconnect and we ended up chatting for over an hour, catching up with each other and reminiscing about our days together. This is what happens when you lose touch! lol.
Now over to you
Whom did you reconnect with today? How did it feel?
Don’t forget to share today’s challenge experience on social media and inspire your friends to follow along too. Make sure to use the hashtag #MummepreneurSL so we can cheer you on.
Join Mummepreneur VIPs on Facebook where we can all share our progress and hold each other accountable
Find the Calendar for all 28 Days here
Action Tasks for today:
- Day 17 task – catch up with an old friend or relative
- Share your Day 17 experience at Mummepreneur VIPs on Facebook
- Get set for Day 18