Day 19 of the 28 Days of Self Love Challenge
Today’s Challenge is to take a nap in the afternoon. A short nap in the afternoon helps you recharge. It can help you feel more energetic, improve your mood and relieve stress.
You know what? I haven’t been much of a napper. I just can’t manage them. If I do nap, it ends up being at least 3 hours long!! That’s just too long. So, I usually avoid napping entirely because I just can’t afford to sleep that long!
All the days if the challenge, I’ve continued to wake up early and It has been great. But, it does get me feeling low on energy by mid-afternoon. So, today’s challenge was much needed and I decided to try a quick short nap.
I was a bit concerned that I might oversleep. But then, I remembered that I had a highly effective alarm – my 7 year old!! And he made sure I woke up when my hour was up! :))
After my nap I woke up feeling recharged and ready to tackle the rest of the day and it just felt great.
Now over to you
Do you usually nap in the afternoon? Do you think you would try it out?
Don’t forget to share today’s challenge experience on social media and inspire your friends to follow along too. Make sure to use the hashtag #MummepreneurSL so we can cheer you on.
Join Mummepreneur VIPs on Facebook where we can all share our progress and hold each other accountable
Find the Calendar for all 28 Days here
Action Tasks for today:
- Day 19 task – take a nap in the afternoon
- Share your Day 19 experience at Mummepreneur VIPs on Facebook
- Get set for Day 20