The 28 Day Self Love Challenge – Day 2

Self love, self care

Self love, self care

Day 2 of the 28 Days of Self Love Challenge

Today’s Challenge is to stretch and meditate/pray. Stretching has several health benefits. It helps to relax muscles and decrease muscle soreness, improves posture and flexibility and can decrease back pain. Prayer and meditation give peace of mind and happiness, helps to relieve mental stress, anxiety and depression.

My Day 2 experience

Just like yesterday, I set an alarm to remind me to take a deep breath every hour. I didn’t need them as much today but it was useful during times where I was stressed and needed to be reminded to stop and breathe!

These days, I have been waking up a bit earlier than usual to attend a 7 day coaching workshop that I signed up for. Getting up a bit earlier than the rest of the household gives me some time to get some work done and get geared up for the day ahead. This is the only time of the day when I have peace and quiet. #momlife

I started the day with my usual morning prayers and spent a few moments in quiet prayer before I went about my usual tasks of getting breakfast ready and getting the laundry started. This left me with very little time left before my coaching class, but I knew that if I didn’t do my exercises then, it wasn’t going to happen at all! So, I managed just 10 minutes of basic stretching exercises and it made a world of difference. It made me feel more energetic throughout the day and my mood was so much better! Here are some simple basic stretches in case you need help getting started. Be sure to warm up first, and do only what is possible for you.

This is another habit that I intend to keep! Wish me luck 🙂

Now over to you

Did you manage to do today’s challenge? What do you feel about it?

Let me know in the comments below or share your daily experience on social media to create accountability for yourself and to inspire your friends to follow along too. Make sure to use the hashtag #MummepreneurSL so we can cheer you on.

Join Mummepreneur VIPs on Facebook where we can all share our progress and hold each other accountable

Find the Calendar for all 28 Days here

Action Tasks for today:

  1. Day 2 task – Stretch and meditate/pray
  2. Share your Day 1 experience Mummepreneur VIPs on Facebook
  3. Prepare for Day 2

Self love, self care

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