Day 21 of the 28 Days of Self Love Challenge
Today’s Challenge is to say no to something. Saying “no” is an art – It is an important aspect of of self-care! It helps you prioritize your well-being over other not-so-important things. Today, say no to something that’s not good or doesn’t work for you.
Of course, there are chores to be done, kids to be taken of, and tons of stuff to do. But it’s important to prioritize what needs to be done. It’s ok to say no to some things and leave them for later.
Many moms cannot say no because they feel guilty to say no. But it’s really to say no sometimes. There’s nothing wrong in saying no to a night out with friends, if you are in the mood to just stay home and relax. It’s absolutely fine to say no to your kids when they want to go out to the park but are just too tired.
I have never been able to say no to any friends that call and just want to chat or vent. I just put whatever i’m doing on hold and talk to them. Of course, I end up having to rush with my pending chores later. But, I just can’t seem to say no to anyone who calls and wants to talk! So, this was what I decided to say no to today – without isolating my friends, of course!
So, when one of my friends called this morning, I answered the call and checked if it was something important or if it was ok to call back later. And once I was done with my cooking and cleaning, I called her back and we chatted at leisure.
I must say, this is a better option!
Now over to you
What did you say no today? How did it feel?
Do let us know in the comments below or share your experience on social media and inspire your friends to follow along too. Make sure to use the hashtag #MummepreneurSL so we can cheer you on.
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Find the Calendar for all 28 Days here
Action Tasks for today:
- Day 21 task – say no to something
- Share your Day 21 experience at Mummepreneur VIPs on Facebook
- Get set for Day 20