Day 25 of the 28 Days of Self Love Challenge
Today’s Challenge is to watch a movie you have been wanting to. Watching a movie, alone or with company, is a great way to get away from everything for a while. It’s a form or escapism and it is entertaining. A great movie can also inspire you and make you a smarter and better person.
We all love to be entertained and movies do just that. Block some time off your schedule and use it to watch a movie that you have been wanting to watch but haven’t made time for.
I am not a movie buff, but I do enjoy watching a good movie. The best movie I have ever watched till date is “The Shawshank Redemption”. I watched it years ago while I was in college and it was the first movie that had me glued to my seat – which is something, considering that I am a person who cannot sit still for too long! :)) lol.
I have always wanted to watch it again with fresh eyes and I decided that today would be the perfect day for that. So tonight, after putting the kids to bed, I plan on chilling out and watching “The Shawsahank Redemption”. I might even get my hubby to join me. It isn’t fun watching movies alone, don’t you think?
Now over to you
What movie did you watch today? I’d really love to know. Maybe I could add them to my list of movies to watch. 🙂
Do share your experience in the comments below or share it on social media and inspire your friends to follow along too. Make sure to use the hashtag #MummepreneurSL so we can cheer you on.
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Find the Calendar for all 28 Days here
Action Tasks for today:
- Day 25 task – Watch a movie you have been wanting you
- Share your Day 25 experience at Mummepreneur VIPs on Facebook
- Get set for Day 26