Are you a new mom who is overwhelmed by the mess in your house and feels like cleaning isn’t worth it? Here are some ideas to help you get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by mess.

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You’re standing in the middle of your living room and all you can see is the mess. It feels like it’s everywhere and it’s never going to go away.
Trust me, I know how you feel.
As a mother of young children, I know that it can be hard to keep up with the housework. It seems like as soon as you finish one task, another one pops up. And some days, the mess can feel overwhelming. If you’re feeling buried under a never-ending pile of laundry and dishes, here are some tips to help you get started.
Tips to help you get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by mess

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on
1. Don’t try to do it all at once
As a busy mom, it can be easy to let the house get out of control. And, It’s not easy to get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by mess.
In such a situation, you may be to tempted to tackle it all at once and get it done and over with. But that can often lead to frustration and burnout. A better option is to focus on one small area at a time. Pick up one room and clean it top to bottom before moving on to the next.
Alternatively, you can start with a quick surface clean of the entire house. Then you can go back and do a more thorough cleaning of each room.
2. Break it into smaller tasks
Looking at an entire room that needs to be cleaned can be daunting, especially when you’ve let things get out of control. Breaking it down into smaller tasks that you can complete one at a time is a great way to get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by the mess and clutter in your house.
For example, start by making the beds, then move on to dusting surfaces and vacuuming the floor. You’ll be surprised at how quickly the room comes together when you take it step by step!
3. Create a cleaning schedule
If you’re finding it hard to keep up with the housework, try creating a cleaning schedule. This will help you stay organized and on track. You can create a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule depending on your needs.
Make sure to include specific tasks for each day or week. And be sure to build in some flexibility. Life happens and there will be days when you can’t stick to the schedule. That’s okay! Just pick up where you left off and move on.
A Cleaning Schedule is an extremely useful tool to help you get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by mess.
4. Make a Checklist
Sometimes the quickest way to beat overwhelm and get motivated to clean is to write down what needs to be done.
Seeing your tasks in black and white can help you focus and better plan your attack. Make a checklist of tasks that need to be done and tackle one at a time. And don’t forget to check off each task as they get done! Checking items off your list will give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you moving forward.
5. Set aside a specific time for cleaning
Setting aside a specific time to clean not only helps give structure and organization to your cleaning routine, It also helps you get motivated to clean when you are overwhelmed by mess and clutter.
Whether it’s in the morning before your kids wake up or in the evening after they go to bed, setting a specific time can also help motivate you to actually stick with your cleaning plan and not procrastinate or put it off until tomorrow.
So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by the mess, try setting a designated time for cleaning and see how much more motivated and accomplished you feel.
6. Set a timer
Another trick to help you get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by the mess, is to set a timer for yourself and commit to working for that amount of time. Rather than focusing on the daunting task of cleaning the entire house, breaking it down into manageable chunks of time can make it seem much more doable.
For Example, set a timer for 20 minutes and focus on one specific area, such as tidying up the kitchen or scrubbing the bathroom. Once the timer goes off, take a short break before setting another timer and tackling the next task.
This method helps keep you focused and productive. So, set that timer and start conquering that messy house one chunk of time at a time!
7. Get the family involved
Many hands make light work. So if you have kids, involve them in the cleaning process! Obviously they can’t do everything, but there are plenty of tasks they can help with. And getting them involved will teach them responsibility and good habits from an early age. Plus, it may just make the process a little more fun for everyone involved!
Assign each child a specific task that they are responsible for. For younger children, this could be picking up their toys and putting them away. Older children can help with vacuuming, dusting, and other household chores. And don’t forget to give them plenty of praise and encouragement along the way!
8. Make it fun
Cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore if you find ways to make it fun! Put on some of your favorite tunes or listen to a podcast while you work. This will help the time fly by and make the task a little more enjoyable.
Scientific studies prove that music can improve motivation and hence, is a sure shot method to help you get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by the mess and clutter in your house.
9. Seek help if needed
If you’re struggling to keep up with the housework, don’t be afraid to ask for help! There are plenty of resources out there that can assist you. You can hire a cleaning service, trade services with a friend, or even get yourself a cleaning robot! Whatever you do – don’t try to go it alone!
There’s no shame in admitting that you need help. And seeking assistance can make all the difference when it comes to getting motivated to clean when overwhelmed by mess.
10. Reward yourself
Rewards are great motivators. So, if you are putting off the cleaning because you are overwhelmed by the mess, decide on a reward for yourself before you begin.
So, don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back (or a glass of wine!) when you’ve finished cleaning. You deserve it!
11. Give yourself grace
Cleaning is important, but it’s not worth getting yourself worked up over . If the mess is really bugging you and you just can’t seem to get it under control, give yourself grace . Take a deep breath and let it go. The world will not end if your floors are not spotless . I promise!
At the end of the day, just do the best you can . And know that even on your worst days, you are still doing an amazing job !
So there you have it! 11 tips to help you get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by mess.
No one likes living in a messy house. But the truth is, life happens and sometimes the mess gets away from us. If you’re struggling to get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by the mess, use the above tips to get started on the cleaning process.
I hope these tips help you as much as they’ve helped me!
Do you have any tips to add? I’d love to hear them! Leave a comment below and let me know your best hack on how to get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by mess.
My aunt shared with me her excellent idea of swapping with a friend: she would go round to her friend’s house and be the cleaner for an hour or so and her friend would come and clean her house. That way neither of them got distracted and just got on with it. I find if I try to dust a bookcase I end up discovering really fascinating books I haven’t yet read and the morning has gone…
That’s an excellent idea, if you have someone you can swap with. Thanks for sharing that Kath 🙂
I can totally relate to the book distraction. When I notice something I want to read, I usually keep it aside to read later once I’m done cleaning. That also works as an incentive to clean faster 😉
But I do end up skimming through books sometimes, if I’m not careful! lol.
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With two kids of my own, I can understand how you feel Kara. But from the time I have got my kids involved in the cleaning, they make much less of a mess. I’ve always told them – you make the mess, you clean the mess! :)) That way they do their best not to make much of a mess. 😉
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I loved these tips! I find it hard to get motivated to clean because my house gets really messy all the time. It feels useless cleaning when I know the kids are going to get it messy again anyway! Thanks again for the tips!